Английский язык, 9 класс, контрольные задания, аудиокурс MP3, Кузовлев В.П., 2011

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Английский язык, 9 класс, Контрольные задания, Аудиокурс MP3, Кузовлев В.П., 2011.

     В данной книге содержатся разные типы тестовых заданий, многие из которых могут встретиться на экзамене. Кроме самих контрольных заданий, здесь вы найдёте краткие описания видов тестовых заданий и полезные советы по тому, как лучше справиться с каждым заданием и контрольной работой в целом.
Таким образом, следуя советам и выполняя тестовые задания, помещённые в данном пособии, вы сможете достичь две цели: проверить свои знания, навыки и умения и одновременно лучше подготовиться к Государственной итоговой аттестации по английскому языку.

Английский язык, 9 класс, Контрольные задания, Аудиокурс MP3, Кузовлев В.П., 2011

World Book Day is the biggest annual celebration of books and reading. During World Book Day, local libraries, school libraries and bookstores usually have special activities and parties for children, which are designed to encourage a love of books. They usually present material and information about how to get involved in World Book Day. Everybody can find the range of activities organised. As part of the celebration, children are invited to help to select the top children’s book of the year by voting online or at their school or library. Also, schoolchildren design posters, write compositions and book reviews of their favourite books and share them with the world on a special website. The winners of the review competitions have a chance to get brand new books. There are also a lot of charity and special fundraising activities for children in poor countries held on this day.

World Book Day is also known as International Day of the Book. It is a yearly event which is held on 23 April. World Book Day was set up in 1995. In that year, UNESCO decided that World Book Day would be celebrated on this date because of the festival in Catalonia, Spain and because on this date and in the same year of 1616, Cervantes, Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega all died. It is also the date of birth or death of other prominent authors such as Maurice Druon, Vladimir Nabokov, Josep Pla and some others. So, it was a choice of UNESCO to commemorate the authors and their books on this date. Now World Book Day is celebrated in over 100 countries around the globe.

Купить книгу Английский язык, 9 класс, Контрольные задания, Аудиокурс MP3, Кузовлев В.П., 2011 - mp3 .

Купить книгу Английский язык, 9 класс, Контрольные задания, Аудиокурс MP3, Кузовлев В.П., 2011 - mp3 .
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