Поиск материала «The Alternative English Dictionary» для чтения, скачивания и покупки

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Search results:

  1. The Alternative English Dictionary.

    The Alternative English Dictionary. Скачать учебник английского языка. Последние записи: The American Slang Dictionary. Modern American Slang.

  2. The Alternative Dictionaries - Мультиязычный словарь ...

    Автор: Hans-Christian Holm.Год издания: 2003.Страниц: 131.Словарь сленговых выражений, ругательств и специализированного лексикона, используемого более чем ...

  3. Канцтовары
    Купить книгу в интернет магазине My-shop

    Канцтовары: бумага, ручки, карандаши, тетради. Ранцы, рюкзаки, сумки. И многое другое.

  4. The alternative dictionary : Johnstone, Michael, 19

    The alternative dictionary ; Publisher: Armada ; Collection: internetarchivebooks; printdisabled; inlibrary ; Contributor: Internet Archive.


    PDF | On Jan 1, 2020, Polina A. Polukhina published ON ALTERNATIVE VARIANTS TO MODERN ACADEMIC DICTIONARIES OF the ENGLISH LANGUAGE | Find, read and cite ...

  6. Скачать Holm Hans-Christian. The Alternative Dictionaries

    Издательство: De Agostini Год выпуска: 2006 Страниц: 400 Язык: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian ISBN: 88-418-2782-3 Dizionario visuale in 5 lingue - ...

  7. The Dictionary of Alternatives

    This dictionary is therefore perhaps best described as a source book, pattern book or almanac of possibilities. We have organized it as a. 'dictionary', so ...


    Настоящее издание в двух частях предназначено в качестве базового учебника для сту- дентов I курса факультетов международных отношений и регионоведения, ...

  9. Booth Thomas. English for Everyone Illustrated ...

    Booth Thomas. English for Everyone Illustrated English Dictionary.

  10. Cambridge Dictionary | English Dictionary, Translations ...

    The most popular dictionary and thesaurus for learners of English. Meanings and definitions of words with pronunciations and translations.

  11. Oxford Dictionary of English - Download

    Oxford Dictionary of English, free and safe download. Oxford Dictionary of English latest version: Comprehensive English Dictionary for Smartphones. T.

  12. On Alternative Variants to Modern Academic Dictionaries

    Академические словари английского языка, такие как Oxford English Dictionary, MerriamWebster Dictionary ... онлайн формат. С появлением и распространением ...

  13. English Vocabulary in Use Advanced 3rd Edition

    You should also have a dictionary with you when you use the book. You can ... alternative to traditional learning. 3 We have e-enabled everything you ...

  14. The third and latest (2022) edition of this dictionary and ...

    Автор: JG Stockdale III · 2022 · Цитируется: 1 — "English is crazy," one of my students said, memorably. A Harbi. Or ... alternative & choices and danger (between Scylla and Charybdis) ...

  15. MDict

    ... Alternative download: GDrive ... Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary; Dictionary.com Unabridged, 2015; Vocabulary.com dictionary

  16. an English dictionary - Russian translation

    [...] in the book: English Dictionary, Eng-Rus Dictionary, [...] ... If the word is not in the dictionary, the phone suggests an alternative word from the ...

  17. TKT Glossary

    Consult verb. To get advice or information from someone or something; e.g. teachers and learners might consult a dictionary or grammar book. Content and ...

  18. Russian slang dictionary – Русский мат на английском

    The following 1,900+ words and expressions are rude, naughty and generally not something you would say in front of your mother (this is an alternative Russian ...

  19. Dictionary.com | Meanings & Definitions of English Words

    The world's leading online dictionary: English definitions, synonyms, word origins, example sentences, word games, and more. A trusted authority for 25+ ...


    Where possible and practical, language and writing style obey the rules and the dictionary of STE. ... alternative. Related examples deleted. APPARENT (adj).

  21. Multitran English-Russian dictionary

    Translations of '' in Multitran dictionary (English-Russian). Word forms, pronunciations, examples in different areas and phrases, forum discussions.

  22. ALTERNATIVE definition in American English

    6. logic another word for disjunctive (sense 3). Collins English Dictionary. ... Source: Google Books Ngram Viewer. In other languages. alternative. British ...

  23. 6 Alternative Dictionaries Your Bookshelf Needs : r/books

    The Oxford English Dictionary is awesome for anyone interested in the intricacies of the language, especially for looking up a word's etymology.

  24. Translation of "вас" into English

    Sample translated sentence: Мне нужно поговорить с вами о том ... Translations with alternative spelling. Вас. + Add ... I wonder what else of yours I have.

  25. Alfandari Arturo - Neo-English dictionary

    Alfandari Arturo - Neo-English dictionary, скачать бесплатно книгу в формате fb2, doc, rtf, html, txt :: Электронная библиотека royallib.com.

  26. A Dictionary of First Names (2 ed.)

    English Dictionaries · Bilingual Dictionaries · Browse All. My Content (1) ... It covers alternative spellings, short forms and pet forms, masculine and ...

  27. Advanced English Dictionary Offline Thesaurus APK for Android

    ... Download for Android. Information Alternative apps. A free app for ... Скачать Advanced English Dictionary Offline Thesaurus [RU] ...

  28. Dictionary. on the App Store - Apple

    The only Dictionary and Thesaurus with every word you search for. Plus Word of the Day, free offline dictionary access, and millions of definitions and ...

  29. абонемент - English translation

    ... alternative translations. Linguee Dictionary, 2024. . External sources (not reviewed). Советуем вам купить ваш абонемент онлайн. promote-your-b....europages ...

  30. ALTERNATIVE OPTION definition in American English

    ALTERNATIVE OPTION meaning | Definition, pronunciation, translations and examples in American English.

  31. Вам in English - Russian-English Dictionary

    Translations with alternative spelling. вам ... Мне нужно поговорить с вами о том, что произошло здесь на прошлой неделе. ... Flash-фичу можно использовать в ...

  32. English Vocabulary Test: How Many Words Do You ...

    Step 1 of 2: test your broad vocab level. Check the box if you know at least one definition for a word. If you're not sure about the exact meaning, leave it ...

  33. OneLook Dictionary Search and Thesaurus

    Helping you find meaning since 1996. OneLook scans 18,955,870 entries in 1061 dictionaries. Play today's CYJ, our meditative new word game. Search examples ...


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2025-03-05 01:37:38