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  1. New Zealand English Grammar, Fact or Fiction?: A Corpus ...

    New Zealand English Grammar, Fact or Fiction?: A Corpus-Based Study in Morphosyntactic Information (review). by Marianne Hundt. 2002, Language. See Full PDF

  2. New Zealand English Grammar – Fact or Fiction?

    Автор: M Hundt · 1998 · Цитируется: 239 — New Zealand English Grammar — Fact or Fiction? presents a careful comparative analysis of parallel corpora of New Zealand, British, American and Australian ...

  3. Канцтовары
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    Канцтовары: бумага, ручки, карандаши, тетради. Ранцы, рюкзаки, сумки. И многое другое.

  4. New Zealand English Grammar – Fact or Fiction?

    “Hundt's book represents a much-needed move in English dialect studies to consider the less salient but no less interesting issue of grammatical variation.

  5. New Zealand English Grammar – Fact or Fiction?

    New Zealand English Grammar — Fact or Fiction? presents a careful comparative analysis of parallel corpora of New Zealand, British, American and Australian ...

  6. New Zealand English | PDF

    Approaching New Zealand English Grammar. New Zealand English Newsletter 1: 12‐15. 2. Hundt, Marianne 1998. New Zealand English Grammar: Fact of. Fiction?

  7. A Corpus-Based Study in Morphosyntactic Information (review)

    Автор: JA Walker · 2002 — Hundt's book is an analysis of grammatical features in two corpora of written New Zealand English (NZE). As an attempt to redress the neglect of grammatical ...

  8. New Zealand English grammar, fact or fiction? : a corpus ...

    New Zealand English Grammar - Fact or Fiction? presents a careful comparative analysis of parallel corpora of New Zealand, British, American and Australian ...

  9. 127. Varieties of English: Australian/ New Zealand English

    Автор: M Hundt · 2012 · Цитируется: 6 — Hundt, Marianne. 1998. New Zealand English Grammar – Fact or Fiction? A Corpus-Based Study in Morphosyntactic Variation. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John ...

  10. (PDF) Origins and development of New Zealand English

    between grammar and the lexicon. ... and Australian English (AusE) than in American (AmE) and British (BrE) varieties. ... more conservative or more ...

  11. Терминологическая сумятица в новом лингвистическом ...

    Автор: ЗГ Прошина · 2015 · Цитируется: 35 — [30] Hundt M. New Zealand English Grammar: Fact or Fiction? A corpus-based study in morpho-syntactic variation. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1998. [31 ] Peters P ...

  12. Standard New Zealand English (Chapter 16)

    Hundt, Marianne1998. New Zealand English Grammar, Fact or Fiction? A Corpus-Based Study in Morphosyntactic Variation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Hundt ...

  13. On the Comparison of the Australian and New Zealand ...

    As for grammar comparison, we can refer to the research performed by Marianne Hundt, who published “New Zealand English Grammar Fact or Fiction?: A Corpus ...

  14. Comparative Studies in Australian and New Zealand English

    “This book provides much carefully analysed data for the scholar. At the same time, it would give senior undergraduates an excellent indication of the range of ...

  15. Chapter 15: Australian/New Zealand English

    Marianne HundtChapter 15:Australian/New Zealand English1 Introduction2902 Accent2923 Lexicon2964 Grammar3015 Dialects3026 Summary3057 ...

  16. Современный английский язык в Австралазии

    Автор: МГ Кочетова · 2018 · Цитируется: 3 — https://www.britannica.com/place/Australasia (дата обращения: 11.11.2017). 8. Hundt M. New Zealand English grammar: fact or fiction? ... том числе с обеспечением ...

  17. English, Maori, and Maori English in New Zealand

    Hundt concludes that there are marked differences between the grammar used in ... New Zealand English Grammar Fact or Fiction?: A Corpus-Based. Study in ...

  18. Comparative Studies in Australian and New Zealand ...

    Comparative studies in Australian and New Zealand English grammar and beyond / edited by Pam Peters, Peter Collins, Adam Smith. p. cm. (Varieties of English ...

  19. Профессионально ориентированный перевод

    Автор: НН Гавриленко · 2016 — Key words: New Zealand, New Zealand English, national and cultural specificity, peculiarities of English varieties. ... Table 1 Studying English grammar ...

  20. New Zealand English grammar, fact or fiction? a corpus-based ...

    New Zealand English grammar, fact or fiction? [electronic resource] : a corpus-based study in morphosyntactic variation / Marianne Hundt.

  21. English Grammar in Tests (pdf). Книги издательства МГУ

    English Grammar in Tests (pdf). Книги Издательского Дома МГУ.

  22. Some Grammatical Features of New Zealand English1

    Автор: L Bauer · Цитируется: 26 — New Zealand English grammar such as Hundt et al (2004). In some cases this ... New Zealand English Grammar: Fact of Fiction? Amsterdam and. Philadelphia ...

  23. New Zealand English Grammar – Fact or Fiction?: A corpus ...

    New Zealand English Grammar – Fact or Fiction?: A corpus-based study in morphosyntactic variation (Varieties of English Around the World) | Hundt, ...

  24. (PDF) Varieties of English and Kachru's Expanding Circle

    PDF | In this overview article, we present the motivations for compiling this issue of RJL and summarize the major premises of the World Englishes (WE).

  25. lateum 2011 conference proceedings - ИСТИНА

    other variants of the English language New Zealand English is characterized by a number of structural and semantic transformations in lexical and ...


    The Source for Ælfric's Latin-Old English Grammar. Ed. by D. Porter ... New Zealand Herald, 07.11.2016); the Goldilocks way to travel (The USA Today ...

  27. ФЛИНТА» 2022

    ISBN 978-5-9765-5239-5. Монография является четвертым выпуском из серии ежегодников. «Современная германистика и западноевропейская литература». Серия.


    Рабочие языки сборника: русский, английский, немецкий и французский. ISBN 978-5-4465-2613-0. Page 3. 2.

  29. current issues in modern linguistics and humanities

    ... NEW ZEALAND. AND BRITISH ENGLISH. Irina E ... information, which leads to the rise of approximation markers in. English discourse practices.

  30. Corpus linguistics

    Автор: A Stefanowitsch · Цитируется: 418 — Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches. 2. Schäfer, Roland. Einführung in die grammatische Beschreibung des Deutschen.

  31. World Englishes in The Expanding Circle | PDF

    intercultural communication, and theory and practice of translation. In addition to research articles, the journal welcomes book reviews, literature overviews, ...


    ... ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN COMPARISON WITH. UKRAINIAN ONE ... fact, RE like /[Є-ґ]+/ is good enough for pattern ... new structural types of lexical items ...
  33. LINGUISTIC STUDIES - DSpace at Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National ...

    ... (New Prepositions in Russian. Language). 50. SECTION ... English: Particular Correlations 81. Oksana ... Fiction). 181. Lubomira Hnatiuk. Linguocultural ...

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