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  1. Old Nubian dictionary : Browne, Gerald M

    Old Nubian dictionary. xii, 249 p. ; 24 cm. English, Old Nubian, and Greek. Includes bibliographical references (p. [ix]-xi) and indexes.

  2. Скачать Browne G.M. Old Nubian Dictionary [PDF]

    Browne G.M. Old Nubian Dictionary. Файл формата pdf; размером 11,97 МБ. Добавлен пользователем karacupa 27.06.21 21:46; Описание отредактировано 28.06 ...

  3. Канцтовары
    Купить книгу в интернет магазине My-shop

    Канцтовары: бумага, ручки, карандаши, тетради. Ранцы, рюкзаки, сумки. И многое другое.

  4. Browne G.M. Old Nubian Dictionary: Appendices

    Browne G.M. Old Nubian Dictionary: Appendices. Файл формата pdf; размером 4,46 МБ. Добавлен пользователем karacupa 27.06.21 21:49; Описание ...

  5. Old Nubian dictionary. Appendices : Browne, Gerald M

    DOWNLOAD OPTIONS. No suitable files to display here. PDF access not available for this item. IN COLLECTIONS. Claremont School of Theology ...

  6. Old Nubian, Introduction to (Browne).pdf

    Browne mit seiner,,Introduction to Old Nubian" nun eine kurze Darstellung ... word division between lines reflects the pronunciation: e.g. SC 16.23-24 TY ...

  7. Old Nubian dictionary by Gerald M. Browne

    Old Nubian dictionary by Gerald M. Browne, 1996, In Aedibus Peeters edition, in English.

  8. )Id Nubian Grammar

    Автор: GM Browne · Цитируется: 72 — Belonging to the Nilo-Saharan language family, Old Nubian is written in a modified form of the Greek uncial alphabet, with extra characters taken from Coptic ...

  9. The Old Nubian Language (Dotawo Monographs) (Volume 3)

    Browne's Old Nubian Grammar, this work is of great relevance to the history ... In this particular case, it seems. Page 55. 54. The Old Nubian Language that word ...

  10. Old Nubian dictionary / by Gerald M. Browne.

    Old Nubian dictionary / by Gerald M. Browne. Browne, Gerald M. Date: 1996. Books. About this work. Publication/Creation. Lovanii : In Aedibus Peeters, 1996.

  11. Old Nubian Dictionary | Browne, Gerald M

    Old Nubian Dictionary (556). Book Code: 1111022271420. Browne, Gerald M. All Prices are including Free shipping via Air-Mail. Deluxe-Edition; Super-Deluxe ...

  12. The Old Nubian Language

    Among those expressing that desideratum, the most notable is doubtlessly the dôyen of Nubian studies, the late Gerald M. Browne (1943-2004), who once, ...

  13. An Old Nubian Curse from the Faras Cathedral

    Автор: VWJ GO · Цитируется: 2 — Browne, G.M. 1991: Old Nubian Texts from Qaṣr Ibrīm III, Texts from Excavations 12, London. Browne, G.M. 1996: Old Nubian Dictionary, CSCO 556, Subsidia 90, ...

  14. Лексикостатистическая классификация нубийских языков

    Автор: Г фон Массенбах · Цитируется: 3 — [Browne 1996] (с дополнениями в [Browne 1997]) и грамматика [Browne 2002]. ... Old Nubian Dictionary. Leuven: Peeters. Browne, Gerald M. 1997. Old ...

  15. (PDF) The soulou in medieval Old Nubian documents

    ... book by the Raphael Taubenschlag Foundation for ... 15 Where not explicitly stated the translation of Old Nubian words is based on Browne, Dictionary.

  16. (PDF) Subject Clitics: New Evidence from Old Nubian

    ... -Saharan phylum, the least. studied of all African macro-families. Old Nubian is an agglutinative SOV language (Browne 2002: 91), with a.

  17. God in Old Nubian - Medieval Sai Project - WordPress.com

    ... Old Nubian. Interestingly, it is one of these cases that G.M. Browne did not propose an etymology in his Old Nubian Dictionary. About a year ...

  18. Browne Old Nubian Dictionary Appendices | PDF

    Browne Old Nubian Dictionary Appendices - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf) or view presentation slides online.

  19. Satzinger Wordlist Arabic Nobiin 2018

    17 июл. 2018 г. — ably longer: some Nubian words that were loaned from Ancient ... Browne, Griffith's Old Nubian Lectionary (Rom/Barcelona 1982), 48:.

  20. Скачать Yai Olabiyi Babalola. Yoruba-English ...

    Old Nubian Grammar. pdf. Раздел: Нилотские языки ... Comparative Nivkh Dictionary. pdf. Раздел: Языки и ... Том 1. pdf. Раздел: Енисейские языки → Кетский ...


    Old Nubian Dictionary. Corpus Scriptorum. Christianorum Orientalium 556, Subsidia 90. Louvain. Browne, G. M. 2002. Old Nubian Grammar. Munich. Dafalla, ...

  22. A short history of the Nubian Language

    Browne - Old Nubian Texts with grammatical commentary and Old Nubian-English ... Old Nubian Dictionary. Gerald M. Browne - There ...

  23. (PDF) Research of the Nubian archaeological and ...

    ... ancient expeditions heading to. the Nubian Desert for gold and building stone [Pi- ... Dictionary of countries by. Arab scholar Yakut ar-Rumi ...

  24. Old Nubian Dictionary

    Weight: 430g. Gerald M. Browne, Old Nubian Dictionary, Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, vol. ... This book is a dictionary of Old Nubian. In ...

  25. Lexicostatistical studies in East Sudanic i: on the genetic ...

    Автор: S George · 2017 · Цитируется: 6 — ... dictionary of Gerald Browne (1996). Although the amount of recovered ... Old Nubian and Nobiin rather than Old Nubian and Kenuzi-Dongolawi.

  26. rsuh/rggu bulletin № 2 (15)

    Browne, Gerald M. 1996. Old Nubian Dictionary. Leuven: Peeters. Browne, Gerald M. 2002. A Grammar of Old Nubian. Münich: LINCOM. Bryan, Margaret A. 1959 ...

  27. Old Nubian Dictionary with Appendices Subs. 90. (Corpus ...

    This book is a dictionary of Old Nubian. In marshalling the evidence for the ... Old Nubian Texts from Qasr Ibrim III (Browne 1991) Two Old Nubian ...

  28. Читать книгу "Брюс Мецгер - Текстология Нового Завета ...

    Browne, Bibliorum sacrorum versio palaeonubiana (Louvain, 1994). Тем же исследователем был издан Old Nubian Dictionary (Louvain, 1996), в котором он ...

  29. Читать онлайн «Peeps at Many Lands: Ancient Egypt
    Купить электронную книгу в интернет магазине Литрес

    ... words of the men of former days, and sometimes of stories of old times. These old copy-books can speak to us in one way, but if they could speak in another ...

  30. Хип-хоп

    Хип-хоп или хип-хоп-музыка (англ. hip hop music), также известная как рэп-музыка (англ. rap music) и ранее известная как диско-рэп (англ. disco rap) ...

  31. Ритм | Магазин пластинок

    В далёких 90-х они открыли миру Aphex Twin, LFO, Autechre и Boards Of Canada, а те в свою очередь навсегда изменили наше представление об электронной сцене.

  32. В Е С Т Н И К Р Г Г У

    [Browne 1996] (с дополнениями в [Browne 1997]) и грамматика [Browne 2002]. ... Old Nubian Dictionary. Leuven: Peeters. Browne, Gerald M. 1997. Old Nubian ...

  33. Читать книгу: «Letters of Travel (1892-1913)», страница 11

    Бесплатно читать онлайн книгу «Letters of Travel (1892-1913)» автора ... Old Port Said had disappeared beneath acres of new buildings where one ...


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